
December 29, 2014
At Home with Friends

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Holiday in Morocco: Sweet Temptations

When you read about the food in Morocco or traveling to Morocco, you will come across references to the endless and non-stop selection of sweet pastries. I didn’t remember this from my last visit but the books do not exaggerate. It starts at breakfast with an unlimited selection of donuts, cookies, fruit tarts, Berber pancakes […]

December 22, 2014
At Home with Friends


Holiday in Morocco

My Moroccan Feast had me wistfully thinking about my trip to Morocco so many years ago, and wondering how it had changed since my visit. I decided to take a quick trip to Morocco between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Now, there is no “quick” way to get to Morocco from Los Angeles, but it’s well worth […]

December 12, 2014
At Home with Friends

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What’s on My Table – Moroccan Feast

The inspiration for the table setting came from many different sources. The first piece I found was the beaded fuchsia sari. Saris are not completely beaded but I thought I could cut it apart and put it back together for the top of the table. It worked and you can see the result. For the […]

December 10, 2014
At Home with Friends

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Moroccan Feast Beverages

It was a bit of a challenge selecting the right beverage to accompany the Moroccan Feast. The food was so flavorful I wanted something that would really compliment the menu. French rosé is lively and fragrant and I thought would be perfect for this party. I also selected two other wine choices for the party: […]

December 8, 2014
At Home with Friends


Pistachio Ice Cream

This is nothing like the American version of generic pistachio ice cream which usually tastes like vanilla ice cream with a few chopped nuts and a bit of green food coloring. This is a serious rich, deep pistachio flavored wonderfulness! I would expect nothing less from Melissa Clark, one of my favorite food writers. This […]

December 5, 2014
At Home with Friends


Almond Cookies

If this recipe seems familiar, it should: It is basically the same recipe I use for the Pignoli Cookies, but without the pine nuts and lemon zest added. It’s important to realize that when you have a great recipe, you can tweak it in many ways  People who attended both parties had no idea that […]

December 3, 2014
At Home with Friends


Chocolate Bark

Chocolate bark is simple to make and something everyone should try. I especially like this mix of flavors. The juiciness of the fresh pomegranate seeds, the subtle heat from the crystalized ginger and the crunch of the pistachio nuts combine for an exquisite finish to the Moroccan feast!   CHOCOLATE BARK EVENT: Moroccan Feast SERVES: […]

December 1, 2014
At Home with Friends

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Spinach Salad

This is a great salad to serve as part of a Moroccan Feast or any party where you want a relatively easy but special salad. I served each guest a portion of spinach and then invited them to add Beet Salad, Artichoke Salad or Fennel Salad on top of the spinach. I usually allow a […]

November 28, 2014
At Home with Friends


Moroccan Couscous

There is a lot to know about couscous. There are entire books written about couscous. Couscous plays such a major role in Moroccan cuisine that there is even a “couscoussier”, a two-tiered pot designated especially for this. Couscous is actually a tiny grain that is prepared by steaming several times. In between the steaming, the […]