
November 30, 2015
At Home with Friends

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Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. I have wonderful memories of my mom “pulling out all the stops” for Thanksgiving. The entire family got up early that morning and my father was busy chopping onions and apples for the stuffing while I broke up the toasted French bread and the cornbread that my […]

April 20, 2015
At Home with Friends

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Polpettone Stuffed with Eggplant and Smoked Mozzarella

Meatloaf is a standard in many home kitchens. For many people meatloaf is immediately associated with mashed potatoes and gravy, and it evokes childhood memories. Meatloaf and mashed potatoes is comfort food to be eaten when it’s cold outside and we need to feel the warmth of hearth and home. I would never take away […]

March 27, 2015
At Home with Friends


Thanks, Mom!

I am very lucky to have so many great memories of cooking with my mom, planning parties, watching her meticulously decorate platters and charm her guests. My parents had a very long (over 50 years) traditional marriage and my mother was in charge of all the cooking and entertaining. My father helped. He loved to […]