
March 17, 2016
At Home with Friends


Turkey Hash

Hash is one of those dishes you usually think of making when you have leftovers. I think of it for a holiday brunch. It’s great on a buffet, you only need a fork, and everybody loves it. It includes all the things I crave at brunch: roasted potatoes, roasted peppers and some protein (in this […]

November 21, 2014
At Home with Friends


Chicken with Preserved Lemons & Olives

Before I even thought about making a Moroccan feast, I was intrigued with preserved lemons. I made this recipe and asked a few friends to sample it. My newly converted vegan friend waited until everyone had served themselves and then he scraped the sauce off the chicken, piled it on his plate and declared, “This […]

September 8, 2014
At Home with Friends


Buttermilk Cheddar Biscuits

When I was planning this menu, I thought about all those seductive looking Southern food spreads that always include homemade buttermilk biscuits topped with a slice of country ham or pork and served with a yummy sweet-savory spread. I have to confess that I’ve never made biscuits. I’ve eaten my share but never actually made […]